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Off The Charts
Monday December 4th, 2023 with Chris Ikonomopoulos
Soul + Folk + Garage + Blues + More

Lonely Avenue
Ray Charles - Yes Indeed - 1956 - Atlantic
Season Of The Witch
Lou Rawls - The Way It Was, The Way It Is - 1969 - Capitol
5th Dimension - 7" - 1974 - Bell
Viva Tirado Pt. 1
El Chicano - 7" - 1970 - Kapp
Ti Machine
Les Animateurs - Haiti Direct |Big Band, Mini Jazz and Twoubadou Sounds 1960 - 1978 - 2014 - Strut
The Roches - S/T - 1979 - Warner
I Scare Myself
Dan Hicks and Hot Licks - Striking It Rich - 1972 - Blue Thumb
Something Else Again
Richie Havens - Something' Else Again - 1967 - MGM
Kreen - Akore
Paul McCartney - S/T - 1970 - Apple
Ian Whitcomb - 7" - 1965 - Capitol
I Want To Talk To You
Stevie Wonder - Where I'm Coming From - 1971 - Tamla Motown
I'm So Glad Trouble Don't Last Always
Junior Kimbrough - Do The Rump - 1997 - High Water Recording Company
Interactive CKCU

4:02 PM, December 4th, 2023
Chris Ikonomopoulos (host)
Welcome to the program hillbilly!

4:03 PM, December 4th, 2023
Crate Diggers Union!;-) I wanna be elected, "Shop Steward"!;-)

4:03 PM, December 4th, 2023
Chris Ikonomopoulos (host)
it's an easy union to join with one simple requirement hb. Start your own local after a dusty record dig.

4:09 PM, December 4th, 2023
Jas Nasty
Sounding nice

4:16 PM, December 4th, 2023
Chris Ikonomopoulos (host)
Hello Jas. Thanks.

4:17 PM, December 4th, 2023
robert p in gatineau
Motoring along inside my head... How far is the Promised Land from here ? Is it true that Donald Trump is a Gate Keeper ?

4:25 PM, December 4th, 2023
robert p in gatineau
Quite the switch ! Eclectic !

4:27 PM, December 4th, 2023
lamb fatale
Enjoying the sunny selections on this snowday!

4:29 PM, December 4th, 2023
Chris Ikonomopoulos (host)
Hey robert. Big fan of the musical switch-up over here.

4:29 PM, December 4th, 2023
Chris Ikonomopoulos (host)
hey lamb fatale! nice to know you're riding along! Thanks.

4:44 PM, December 4th, 2023
Chris Ikonomopoulos (host)
Thanks all. Until next week...

4:59 PM, December 4th, 2023
You 'da man!! You never cease to amaze me with the musical gems extraordinaire

5:13 PM, December 4th, 2023