Off The Charts
Monday August 24th, 2020 with Chris Ikonomopoulos
Rural Blues + R&B + Drum'n'Bass + Post'ish Rock + More
Don't Let The Devil Ride
Ike Gordon - Last Time Around - 2011 - Mississippi / Neros Neptune Go Ahead On Bud White - The Geroge Mitchell Collection [Vol. 15] - 2008 - Fat Possum You Won't Do Right Art Neville - Rock 'n' Soul Hootenanny - 1962 / 1988 - Charly Records Knock Me A Kiss Titus Turner - Sound Off - 1961 - Jamie Boogie Guitar Johnny Otis Show - The Greatest Show On Earth 1945 to 1951 - 2010 - Doxy I Can't Stop Wilson Pickett - Great Hits - 196? - Metronome Do The Thing (Pt. I & II) Lou Courtney - Skate Now Shing-A-Ling - 1967 - Riverside Break Your Back Willie Henderson - Dance With Willie Henderson - 1974 - Brunswick Smokey Feeling Organization - Creative Sounds Of The Organization - 1974 - Wirl A Story Teeth Rotted For Omar Rodriguez Lopez - Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fungus - 2008 - InfraSonic Quinn Goes To Town John McEntire - SNDTRK - Reach The Rock - 1998 - Hefty Bridge Amon Tobin - Permutation - 1998 - Ninja Tune The Sound David Kristian - Clubfoot EP - 1995 - Discreet/Indiscreet Canadian Lips Can't Go Alien Sex Fiend - Who's Been Sleeping In My Brain - 1983 - Anagram պատերազմ Ujico - Roar! - 2015 - Tsugihagi Records |
making my Monday less manic
4:31 PM, August 24th, 2020