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Off The Charts
Monday May 29th, 2017 with Chris Ikonomopoulos

The Unknown Case w/ Reebop Kwaku Baah - VA: Adrian Sherwood at the Controls Vol. 2 1985 to 1990 - 1989 / 2016 - On-U Sound
Ishadlak Ya Khey
Group Doueh - Zayna Jumma - 2011 - Sublime Frequencies
Kelan Philip Cohran & The Hypnotic Brass Ensemble - S/T - 2011 - Honest Jons
A Tribute To Courage (JFK)
Rufus Harley - A Tribute To Courage - 1968 - Atlantic
Creep Purple
Salem's Pot - ...Lurar Ut Dig På Prärien ‎ - 2014 - Riding Easy
Nowhere to Run
Black Pus - All My Relations - 2013 - Thrill Jockey
Interactive CKCU
Chris Ikonomopoulos (host)
Good musical afternoon. Thanks for tuning in and checking on the playsheet.

4:12 PM, May 29th, 2017
Sounding good so far! :)

4:13 PM, May 29th, 2017
Chris Ikonomopoulos (host)
Glad to hear that Jas.

4:16 PM, May 29th, 2017