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Off The Charts
Monday December 5th, 2016 with Chris Ikonomopoulos
From Stoner Rock to Anime Breakcore

Apple Eye
Bardo Pond - Refulgo - 2013 - Three Lobed
Rocky Mountain High
Dead Meadow - S/T - 2000 - Tolotta Records
The Robots
Kraftwerk - The Man-Machine - 1978 - Capital
Attention All Deficits
Smaze - 45 - 2007 - Organik Recordings
Running From Your Love (Memetic's Police Paranoia Instrumental)
Memetic - Timekode X - Vol. 2 - Montreal - 2016 - Memeplex Canadian New
Tokio Airport
Metal Boys - VA - Des jeunes gen modernes - 2008 - Born Bad Records
Lizzy Mercier Descloux - N.Y. No Wave - 2003 - Ze Records
Debruit - From The Horizon - 2012 - Civil Music
DJ Clent #1
DJ Clent - Bang & Works Vol 2 - 2011 - Planet Mu
すてらべえ - Amen Freaks - 2015 - Tsugihagi Records
Mophono - Cut From Crush - 2011 - CB Records
Oni Ayhun meets Shangaan Electro
Oni Ayhun - VA - Shangaan Shake - 2012 - Honest Jon's
Interactive CKCU
Bill Gee
Now which -core is this?

4:48 PM, December 5th, 2016
Bill Gee
Duh, there it is in the title...

4:49 PM, December 5th, 2016
Chris Ikonomopoulos (host)
It practically explains itself!

4:51 PM, December 5th, 2016
Bill Gee
After you give it a second, it really does!

4:52 PM, December 5th, 2016
Chris Ikonomopoulos (host)
Stay tuned for other break&speed core stylings in future shows.

4:56 PM, December 5th, 2016