Funding Drive Contest'ish
Suggest a new show name for this program! If picked, I'll match your pledge and we all win! Preference may be given to show names with "Wax" in the title! Suggestions taken with online pledges right up until the end of the drive! You can also send suggestions and pledge info to turnuptheradioradio at gmail.
Salsa Caliente Meridian Brothers - Desesparanza - 2012 - Sound Way |
Funk Rings Urszula Dudziak - 45 - 1975 - Arista |
One Two Sister Nancy - 10" - 1982 - Techniques |
Sucka MCs RUN DMC - S/T - 1984 - Profile |
Wax Not Wack
4:23 PM, October 27th, 2014