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Loosely Connected
Wednesday September 11th, 2024 with Toni Tyler
Rockin’ from Coast to Coast: Part 1

Exploring the incredible wealth of musical talent from across this land
Tom Pinsent - Outskirts Canadian
25 Seconds of Fame
Tom Pinsent - Outskirts Canadian
Life’s What You Make It
Tom Pinsent - Outskirts Canadian
Remember When
Tom Pinsent - Outskirts Canadian
Never Too Old
Northumberland - Northumberland Canadian
Trying to Move On
Northumberland - Northumberland Canadian
Northumberland - Northumberland Canadian
Shooting the Drag
Northumberland - Northumberland Canadian
Blistered, Battered, Shattered
Teku Syndrom - The Path Canadian
Help Me Grow
Teku Syndrom - The Path Canadian
Teku Syndrom - The Path Canadian
The Path
Teku Syndrom - The Path Canadian
Lead the Way
Liam Corcoran - Hints and Traces Canadian
Trouble’s so Easy to Find
Liam Corcoran - Hints and Traces Canadian
All the Love
Liam Corcoran - Hints and Traces Canadian
Make It Bleed
Liam Corcoran - Hints and Traces Canadian
Fall Into Your Love
Old Soul - Overgrown Canadian
Old Soul - Overgrown Canadian
Light of my Life
Old Soul - Overgrown Canadian
Hot Tramp
Old Soul - Overgrown Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Shirley Gagnon
Great show!

12:29 PM, September 11th, 2024
Jordan David (host)
Sounding great!!

12:38 PM, September 11th, 2024
Toni Tyler (host)
Thank you!

12:46 PM, September 11th, 2024