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Loosely Connected
Wednesday June 26th, 2024 with DesTrois

Loosely connecting long form free jazz and heavy sludge....
The Poimandres Of Hermes Trismegistus
Anunnaki - Two Treatise On Gnostic Thought - Noiseagonymayhem (2017) Canadian
It's Complicated
Flock - S/T - Strut (2021)
Chudo Be
Ronald Shannon Jackson & The Decoding Society - Street Priest - Moers Music (1981)
Partners In Crime
Petr Cancura - Down Home - (2013) Canadian
Slothful Strut
Smelloship - Smelloship 1 - (2024) Canadian
Black Renaissance
Black Renaissance - Body, Mind and Spirit - Luv N' Haight (1977)
Mali Obomsawin - Sweet Tooth - Out Of Your Head (2022) Canadian
The Red Sea (excerpt)
Zaum - Oracles - I Hate (2014) Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Mats Gustafsson / THE END at Ottawa Jazz Fest last night was KILLER! Head-on sonic free assault jazz. I am sure many cats will be hiding under their couches for the foreseeable future.

12:06 PM, June 26th, 2024
Part of Mats' band intro (roughly) "... we will now bring you some heavy Swedish shit ... and if you feel like dancing, DON'T"

12:09 PM, June 26th, 2024
Sumerian... Did not know you spoke that...

12:18 PM, June 26th, 2024
Dave Aardvark (host)
Lol. That's awesome Peter B! Glad you are here while I stink up MCR with vinyl :D

12:19 PM, June 26th, 2024
I'm tuned in for a sonic ride through Aardvark's vinyl collection!

12:27 PM, June 26th, 2024
Dave Aardvark (host)
Hi A-M, thanks for joining us!

12:29 PM, June 26th, 2024
Petr Cancura joined Kathleen Edwards on stage last night. It was fantastic! The late night tent with the Lemon Bucket Orkestra was a blast! Yay Ottawa Jazzfest!

1:13 PM, June 26th, 2024
Neil & The Dancing Labrador
Great job on the show, Des. Nice to see you supporting the artists at Jazzfest!! Fine music for hungry ears!

1:17 PM, June 26th, 2024
DesT/Dave A
Thanks Neil, cheers!

1:21 PM, June 26th, 2024
Do not know your face a-m, so did not see ya, but good to know ye were there. I did not last very long at LBO (even though they did promise to eventually play some fast stuff ;^). I was, and still am, totally reeling from THE END.

1:33 PM, June 26th, 2024