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Bizarre Bazaar
Thursday July 22nd, 2021 with DJ Out-Regis
Despite vacation I still feed the need to escape: perhaps music is the key ? Let’s find out with tonight’s episode

Despite what seems like a short lived vacation, I’m still fending off strong bouts of wanderlust. Tonight’s tracks have been selected to help curtail this incessant urge. Tune in and tell me what you think?
The 613s - Single release - Independent 2013 Canadian
Asdikte Akal
Mdou Moctar - Afrique Victime - Matador records 2021
Tiziano Popoli - Bruciare la Notte - RVNG intl 2021
Qué me hace saber esto
Mabe Fritta - Serà que ahora podremos entendrenos - Unheard of hope 2021 New
Blue light hum
Pharaoh aocerlord - Snake bite - Rocket records 2020
Dälek - Asphalt for eden - Profound lore records 2016
Anguish - Anguish - Rate noise records 2018
Violencia (the bullet)
Throbbing Gristle - Journey through a body - Walter Ulbricht Schallfolien 1982
Ono - Machines That Kill People - Thermidor records 1983
The Koln ConZert Part 1
Richard Pinhas & Merzbow - The Koln ConZert - Bam Balam records 2019
Quentin Compson 3
Richard Pinhas (feat Stephen O’Malley - Quentin Compson - Bam Balam records 2020
Interactive CKCU
Jas Nasty
Quite the poetic intro. Tuned in & enjoying

7:05 PM, July 22nd, 2021
Régis (host)
High praise ! Thank you : )

7:14 PM, July 22nd, 2021
Heavy Ben
All hail the Overlord

7:32 PM, July 22nd, 2021
Régis (host)
Ben: an oppression I welcome with open arms

7:35 PM, July 22nd, 2021