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Bizarre Bazaar
Thursday May 17th, 2018 with mark
Let's rock this space. Spacerock that is.

The Course Of Abagaz
Vespero - Azmari-Abyssinian Liventure - Vespero
Dancing to a Demon's Lullaby
Scared Bunny - Dancing to a Demon's Lullaby - Progrock Canadian
Oceans Away
Moonwagon - Night Dust - Teosto
-- set break --
Ozric Tentacles - Pungent Effulgent - Snapper
Porcupine Tree - Sky Moves Sideways - Delerium
Roll My Own
It's All Meat - It's All Meat - Hallucinations Canadian
Atomic Rooster - Death Walks Behind You - Akarma
Messe Noire
Kosmos - Kosmos - The End Records Canadian
Purple King
Karcius - Episodes - Unicorn Canadian
Interactive CKCU