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Bizarre Bazaar
Thursday April 14th, 2016 with Neal
Regis Phil'in

Soul of a village
Joe Zawinul - 45 - Vortex
Shower of stone
Warhead Constriction - VA/ Wake You up - Now Again New
Black Wizard
Medusa - VA/ Darkscortch canticles - Numero
Tomorrows Dream
Black Sabbath - Vol. 4 - Warner
Strange town
Groundhogs - Thank Christ for the bombs - BGO
You Better Know
Witch - Introduction - Luka Music Parlour
12 Gates of the city
Ginger Bakers Airforce - II - ATCO
For Mad Men Only
May Blitz - 2nd of May - Akarma Canadian
Budgie - s/t - MCA
Return to forever
Blood Ceremony - s/t - Rise above Canadian
Lucky Loki
Crosss - Obsidian spectre - Telephone Explosion Canadian
Rock Widow
Tokyo Sex Whale - Feed the beast - Last Drag Canadian
Lots of things
Chico Magnetic Band - s/t - Nosmoke
Smooth Barbarian
Power Farm - demo - n/a Canadian
Mind Police / Toe Jam
Edward Bear - Bearings - Capitol
Brainbombs - Urge to Kill - Load
Ghost - In Stormy Nights - Drag City
Interactive CKCU
Looking forward to catching this, thanks to content on demand !

9:05 AM, April 15th, 2016