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Electronic Meditation
Thursday February 25th, 2016 with Sean McFee
Cançons de femnas

Tonight "songs of women", with a particular emphasis on Occitan (electrified) folk.
Chant Patriotique
Contraction - Contraction - ProgQuebec Canadian
Claire Fontaine
Contraction - La bourse ou la vie - ProgQuebec Canadian
Sean relates the story about the archival release "Live 1974" and introduces the next two tracks.
Solid Shine
Contraction - Live 1974 - ProgQuebec Canadian
Le temps fuit comme une ombre
Contraction - Live 1974 - ProgQuebec Canadian
Now for some Occitan folk, starting with Françoise Dague and then our first Rosina de Peira e Martina track.
Las Tres Sorres
Dague - Pop Occitanie - Pathe Marconi
Cantem Nadal
Dague - Pop Occitanie - Pathe Marconi
Hilhas, n'aimetz pas tan los omis
Rosina de Peira e Martina - Cançons de femnas - Revolum
Rosina de Peira, who turns 83 next month, did some great things for Occitan folk music. She founded the Revolum label to put out her own releases and a number of other ones from the region, some more traditional and some more modern. Her own recordings, with daughter Martina and some excellent musical accompaniment, combine the traditional Occitan folk instrumentation with some modern instruments like synthesizers, and often have a very haunting, brooding quality.
Lo porta-lieit
Rosina de Peira e Martina - Cançons de femnas - Revolum
Las filhas del Saulà
Rosina de Peira e Martina - Ié - Revolum
Rosina de Peira e Martina - Ié - Revolum
The "masterpiece" album by these musicians was recorded under the band name Trobadors, and is called Contr'amor. It is one of my favorite folk albums by anyone. I'm going to play the entire second side for you tonight :).
Atal dona
Rosina de Peira e Martina - Trobadors - Contr'amor - Revolum
Quand lo rossinhol
Rosina de Peira e Martina - Trobadors - Contr'amor - Revolum
Contr'amor vau
Rosina de Peira e Martina - Trobadors - Contr'amor - Revolum
Now for something completely different... the Japanese space rock group Acid Mothers Temple discovered this music at some point, and covered the track La Novià from the album Ié fairly early on in their history. A few years back they performed in Tolosa (Toulouse) with Rosina de Peira and released it as a live album. Two of the tracks from that performance close the show, and if you listened carefully to the first half you should hear something you recognize in the second.

Also for those of you who like Gong, yes, you heard right.
Pink Lady Lemonade
Acid Mothers Temple et Rosina de Peira - Live in Tolosa - Bambalam
Cometary Orbital Drive
Acid Mothers Temple et Rosina de Peira - Live in Tolosa - Bambalam
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