It is funding drive.
Pane Astrale Universal Totem Orchestra - Rituale Alieno - Black Widow |
Welcome to the show! The funding drive makes up 1/3 of the annual budget for CKCU, so hitting our target of 130,000 is very important! |
Zulumatic Mahogany Frog - On Blue - Mafrogany Hog ![]() |
Community radio is driven by volunteers, as the station keeps a lean budget. Shows come from the community and programming is derived from the interests of the community, whether that be alternative music, cultural programming, alternative political programming, and so on. |
Cantabile Mundi Domini - Mundi Domini - private ![]() |
Cheval Fou Miriodor - Live '89 - ProgQuebec ![]() |
The Sound of Muzak Porcupine Tree - In Absentia - Lava |
A track from the band that inspired the show name. |
Sunrise in the Third System Tangerine Dream - Alpha Centauri - Sequel |
In the time the show has been on the air, we've done spotlight programs on Thieves' Kitchen and Necromonkey featuring extensive interviews, as well as a deep dive into the discography of Charles Hayward. |
Spiral Bound Thieves' Kitchen - Shibboleth - pirvate |
Last Entry Necromonkey - Necroplex - private |
A New Kind of Water This Heat - Deceit - This Is |
One major expense that is hitting CKCU is the upgrade of all the consoles. After 20+ years with the old consoles, and with replacement parts no longer available, we need to upgrade all our boards. This is a $60,000 cost. A successful funding drive is key to being able to buffer major capital purchases such as this.
Community radio is also great for showcasing local artists, including the following... |
Mind Mapping Butterflies and Zebras - Butterflies and Zebras - private ![]() |
Book It Tyson Naylor Trio - Kosmonauten - Songlines ![]() |
Support community radio by donating at 613-520-2528 or secure and online at |
333 Malajube - Labyrinthes - Select ![]() |
King of the World Steely Dan - Countdown to Ecstasy - MCA |
A couple of random tracks from Italy to show what kind of weird and wonderful music you can hear on CKCU. |
Melos Cervello - Melos - Si-Wan |
Carta e Burro Ske - 1000 Autunni - Fading |
Some miscellaneous tracks to close the show. |
Section VI Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians - Nonesuch |
Ala Tul Agitation Free - Malesch - Spalax |
Manhoo Cardiacs - Sing to God - Alphabet Business Concern |
gorgeous track..
12:06 AM, November 6th, 2014