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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday March 16th, 2020 with Ralph Hopper
Christian Bouchard, Gilles Gobeil, Rene Baptist Huysmans, Paul Dibley, Maria Cristina Kasem, Basilio Del Boca

Angle mort
Christian Bouchard - Metamorphoses 2002 Canadian
Eclats de perle
Gilles Gobeil - Metamorphoses 2002 Canadian
Dawn of the Anthropocene
Rene Baptist Huysmans - self
Paul Dibley - self
Las Aguas Abismales
Maria Cristina Kasem - Soundcloud
Naturaleza Muerta
Basilio Del Boca - CIME 2010
Interactive CKCU
HA! What's up with all this beatsy / rhythmic / melodic dance music today?! Oh, except for the lack thereof. Very cool sounds for curious ears. Thank you, as always.

1:12 PM, March 16th, 2020
Ralph Hopper (host)
Happy to oblige :)

1:15 PM, March 16th, 2020