auguries of innocence Marcus Beuter - Replace - DEGEM |
Schwarm Nikolaus Heyduck - Replace - DEGEM |
Rheinharfe Sam Auinger - Replace - DEGEM |
Le Reve Bernd Leukert - Replace - DEGEM |
Composition #5 for Silicon Valley David Chesworth - Machine Messages - ACMA |
Persephone’s Transition Linda Ceff - Machine Messages - ACMA |
Study # 1 Jeff Pressing - Machine Messages - ACMA |
Let go, go on Cindy John - Machine Messages - ACMA |
Spirit Wheels: Journey Sylvi MacCormac - Presence 2 - CEC |
Pacific Kevin MacLeod - Presence 2 - CEC |
Climb to Camp One Diana McIntosh - Presence 2 - CEC |
Always a great "what the heck was that" experience on this program Ralph! One of my fave genres. Donay in the interweb thingy on your yay, of course.
12:38 PM, November 4th, 2019