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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday July 1st, 2019 with Ralph Hopper
Alcides Lanza, Larry Lake/Christine Little, Christos Hatzis/Peter Hannan, Barry Truax, Chenoa Anderson/Derek Charke, David Keane

Alcides Lanza - Transmutations Canadian
Larry Lake/Christine Little - CMC Canadian
Christos Hatzis/Peter Hannan - CMC Canadian
Solar Ellipse
Barry Truax - Digital Soundscapes - Cambridge St. Canadian
Disturbances of Circadian Rhythm
Chenoa Anderson/Derek Charke - Krishna’s Flute - Earsay records Canadian
David Keane - CMC Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Just tuned in a while ago, and keep hearing this melodic and sometimes even rhythmic music emanating today. I think my radio must be broken. ;^)

1:39 PM, July 1st, 2019
Ralph Hopper (host)
Happy Canada Day Peter. Shouldn't you be out in the great weather?

1:45 PM, July 1st, 2019
OK, my radio is now back to normal, w. Keane ;^) i'm on our upper front porch, avoiding photons, and cooling off with a refreshing bev firmly in hand. Trying to annoy the neighbours with odd sounds.

1:52 PM, July 1st, 2019