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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday September 3rd, 2018 with Ralph Hopper
Ragnar Grippe, Keith Fullerton Whitman, Felipe Mendes, Cesar Alarcon, Ira Mowitz, Sarah Peebles

Side 3
Ragnar Grippe - Symphonic Songs
The Police ‘Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic’
Keith Fullerton Whitman - self
Miami Sound Machine ‘Conga’
Keith Fullerton Whitman - self
Nalgum place us limits do Terceiro Céu
Felipe Mendes - Latin American Competition of Electroacoustic Composition Gustavo Becerra Schmidt
Cesar Alarcon - Latin American Competition of Electroacoustic Composition Gustavo Becerra Schmidt
A La Memoire d’un Ami
Ira Mowitz - A La Memoire d’un Ami - Albion
In the Canopy pt 2
Sarah Peebles - Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Hi Ralph, Whatever is on now (started ~13:40, maybe In The Canopy?) reminds me very much of the soundtrack for the film Arrival, Jóhann Jóhannsson composer. Ominous at times, "unexpected results" as you quoted.

1:48 PM, September 3rd, 2018
Ralph Hopper (host)
It's A La Memoire. Peter, and yep, sure is 'space-y' and could easily have been used for some film...

1:54 PM, September 3rd, 2018
OH, you just announced the answer. It was Ira Mowitz / A La Memoire d’un Ami. I will look it up. The film 'Arrival' is EXCELLENT, in case you have not seen it, and the supporting soundtrack is a very important "actor".

1:57 PM, September 3rd, 2018