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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday June 4th, 2018 with Ralph Hopper
Lawrence Cherney/Steve Tittle, Teresa Rampazzi, Oyvind Brandtsegg, Serge Arcuri/Beverley Johnston, Gunther Rabl

Lawrence Cherney/Steve Tittle - Tongues of Angels - cmc Canadian
Atmen Noch
Teresa Rampazzi - Cultures Electroniques 13
Feedback piece
Oyvind Brandtsegg - Beyond Boundaries
Serge Arcuri/Beverley Johnston - CMC archive
Teil 1
Gunther Rabl - Absolute Musik STYX - AMP
Interactive CKCU
Sounds emanating here are going wonderfully with the sound of heavy rain... ;^)

1:45 PM, June 4th, 2018