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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday June 12th, 2017 with Ralph Hopper
Stephan Dunkelman, Ton Bruynel, Patrick Kosk, Klaus Roder, Barry Truax, Bjarni Gunnarsson, Valerie Delaney

Along with an older work from Barry Truax today, we will hear a few works that were presented as 'codas' on the 1998 Bourges competition CD.
Dreamlike Shudder in an Airstream; Part 1; for a crumpled woman
Stephan Dunkelman - Metamorphoses 2000
Ton Bruynel - Cultures Electroniques Bourges 1998
Nebula Prospekt
Patrick Kosk - Cultures Electroniques Bourges 1998
Mr Frankenstein’s Babies
Klaus Roder - Cultures Electroniques Bourges 1998
Sonic Landscape no. 3
Barry Truax - Cultures Electroniques Bourges 1998 Canadian
Bjarni Gunnarsson - self
Different Shades of Blue
Valerie Delaney - Pointe de Fuite
Interactive CKCU