Out of Focus David Bednarczyk - Cache 2004 |
Information Mathieu Marcoux - Cache 2004 |
When Hong Kong Harbours London Zafka - ubu.com/Chinese ea music |
Sonett Daniel Walter Chorzempa - ubu.com |
Of Knights and Horses Jean Piche - tape archive |
Pentes Denis Smalley - Sources-scenes |
lightness [and weight] Freida Abtan - Cache 2004 |
Saron Jeffrey Mettlewsky - Cache 2005 |
Igneous Nick Storring - Cache 2005 |
Peel Pete Stollery - self |
Mats Elsa Justel - self |
Notjustmoreidlechatter Paul Lansky - Electro Acoustic Music 1 |
Lune Noire Patrick Ascione - Polyphonie~polychrome |
Syllepsis James Brody - Background Count |
Continuity 3 Paul Doornbusch - Corrosion |
Continuity 2 Paul Doornbusch - Corrosion |
Minuit Christian Calon - Culture Electroniques/4 |
Low memory Monique Jean - Metamorphoses 2002 |
Sonare Bernard Parmegiani - Bernard Parmegiani |
Hi Ralph, I'm hosting two artists that you might be interested in for your program on CKCU: So Long Seven from Toronto and Jay Atwill from Montreal. They are both playing Saturday June 10. SL7 at l'Avant-Première in Hull behind the Music Conservatory (after playing the night before at the Folk and Guitar Festival in Aylmer the night before) and Jay Atwill plays at the Folk and Guitar Festival in Aylmer on June 10 at 9:30pm. You'll find them both under Artists on my website www.productionscaravane.com. You can also listen to Jay here: https://soundcloud.com/jay-atwill and So Long Seven on their website www.solongseven.com. Thanks!
11:30 AM, May 22nd, 2017