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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday April 3rd, 2017 with Ralph Hopper
Steve Peters, Gregory Taylor, Dino JA Deane, Chris Brown, Martin Back, Louise Rossiter, James O’Callaghan

Today's program will start with four works that were performed during the memorial ceremony honouring the life of Steven M Miller. We'll also have a work by James O'Callaghan from his recent CD.
Composite Memory
Steve Peters - Between noise and silence - Innova
Tempat Bermain
Gregory Taylor - Between noise and silence - Innova
Dino JA Deane - Between noise and silence - Innova
Chris Brown - Between noise and silence - Innova
Martin Back - Cthonic Hymnal - Modisti
Culture Shock
Louise Rossiter - self
James O’Callaghan - Espaces tautologiques - IMED Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Gabriel MM
Really beautiful music today Ralph. Thank you.

12:47 PM, April 3rd, 2017
Ralph Hopper (host)
Thanks, Gabriel, greatly appreciated.

1:28 PM, April 3rd, 2017