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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday November 28th, 2016 with Ralph Hopper
Krzysztof Wolek, Anna Terzaroli, Peter Wiessenthaner, Jean-Claude Risset, Tom Williams, Paul Koonce

We learned about the deaths of both Jean-Claude Risset and Pauline Oliveros during the past week. I have changed today's program a bit to include a work by Jean-Claude Risset
Paul Koonce - Cultures Electroniques 11
Dark Path #4
Anna Terzaroli - self
Hitmachine 22 Sept 2016 #3
Peter Wiessenthaner - Hitmachine
Peter Wiessenthaner has a youtube video where he explains Hitmachine and the process of creating these works -
Attracteurs estranges
Jean-Claude Risset - Cultures Electroniques 11
Jean-Claude Risset died last week, Nov 21, one of the pioneers in the field of electronic and computer music
Home (Breath Replaced)
Tom Williams - self
Interactive CKCU