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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday October 5th, 2015 with Ralph Hopper
Robert Normandeau, Francis Dhomont, Kristof Lauwers, Kristof Lauwers, Tout Croche, Pierre Alexandre Tremblay , Monty Adkins & Stephen Harvey, Jan Jacob Hofmann

A lot of new music to squeeze in today including a couple of works that reinvent the Bach Organ works along with a trip into deep space, the sounds of a neighbourhood here on earth and two of my favourite composers to start the program.
Robert Normandeau - Domes - IMED Canadian
Here and There
Francis Dhomont - et autres utopies - IMED Canadian
Wilfried Jentzsch - self
Symmetric Transport
Risto Holopainen - Signals and Systems
Ordre de la Grande Poubelle
Risto Holopainen - Sozialrealismus
Kristof Lauwers - self
The Valley Where Electric Daisies Bloom
Tout Croche - The Whole Shabang - Kohlenstoff Canadian
Sulphurous Clouds
Tout Croche - The Whole Shabang - Kohlenstoff Canadian
the art of fugue
Pierre Alexandre Tremblay - Free Range - The Silent Howl Canadian
Interactive CKCU