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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday August 17th, 2015 with Ralph Hopper
Robert Normandeau, Steven M Miller, Diego Garro, Kevin Austin, Juan Carlos Vasquez

A wonderful work by Robert Normandeau starts us off today and we'll hear sounds ranging from bicycle bells in a park to sounds of a Chinese Zheng. So much variety for your ears today.
Robert Normandeau - Unheard of Places - IMED Canadian
Steven M Miller - Between Sound and Silence - INNOVA
Postlude: Element 3-Prana
Steven M Miller - Between Sound and Silence - INNOVA
Northern Winds
Diego Garro -
Three Zheng Etudes, ver 1
Kevin Austin - Canadian
Collage 7
Juan Carlos Vasquez - Collages
Interactive CKCU
Excited to hear today's tracks. Also, just wondering, for some reason the last two episodes from the past two weeks are not available on demand, is everything okay? Will we be able to access the last two episodes anytime soon? I ask because for the past two weeks, I wasn't able to catch the show live and couldn't listen to the episodes on demand.

12:41 PM, August 17th, 2015
Ralph Hopper (host)
Hi Arjun, the programs should be On Demand but we did have some technical problems that may have delayed them being available. Check again when you can and I'll check as well. Thanks for listening.

12:44 PM, August 17th, 2015
Ralph Hopper (host)
Just checked and it appears all previous weeks are archived. Are you looking at the programs listed for today's date [17] and next week by chance? I try to enter the playlist ahead of time but the program is only on the archive once it has aired. Hope that helps.

12:46 PM, August 17th, 2015
Yep, that helps, just wanted some clarity in regards to the on demand situation, I see the past two episodes on demand now (which I didn't see before due to those technical difficulties) so I will listen to those later today. Thanks Ralph! The playlist for next week confused me for a bit because I didn't see that on demand, hence not realizing that's for next week. Same for today's episode which I guess is being recorded now and takes a few minutes after the show is finished for the recording to be processed and available online and on demand.

1:35 PM, August 17th, 2015
Ralph Hopper (host)
:) great, sorry for the confusion but you are correct about the recoding of the shows. Putting the playlist on for future shows just means I don't have to be busy with that while I'm here!

1:39 PM, August 17th, 2015