Soy Latinoamerica
Monday February 27th, 2017 with Alejandro Hernandez
Interview with Christian Belisle about amazing award winning Latin American films
#Ixcanul (Guatemala), #ElAbrazoDeLaSerpiente (Colombia), #YTuMamáTambién (México), #Oscars
Lover, come back to me! Poncho Sanchez w Special guest Tito Puente (Mexico & USA) - The colors of Latin Jazz Cubop! - Background |
Cu-Bop ALert Mongo Santamaria (Cuba) - The colors of Latin Jazz Cubop! - Background |
Alarmala de tos Cafe Tacvba (Mexico) - Avalancha de exitos |
Donna Lee Tito Puente (USA) - The colors of Latin Jazz Cubop! - Background |
Metamorfosis Cafe Tacvba (Mexico) - Avalancha de exitos |
Work song Ray Barreto & New World Spirit (USA) - The colors of Latin Jazz Cubop! - Background |
Let the children play - Sarabande Pascual Reyes (Colombia) - Embrace Of The Serpent - Background |
Alternative Version No Sound Design & Foley (Colombia) - Embrace Of The Serpent - Background |
Chilanga banda Cafe Tacvba (Mexico) - Avalancha de exitos |
A night in Tunisia The Caribbean Jazz Project (USA) - The colors of Latin Jazz Cubop! - Background |
Ixcanul Pascual Reyes (Guatemala) - Ixcanul (OST) |
Trailer Jayro Bustamante (Guatemala) - Ixcanul |
Ojalá que llueva café Cafe Tacvba (Mexico) - Avalancha de exitos |
Bienvenid@s; winkápew, nitáp; welcome.
7:40 PM, February 27th, 2017