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Soy Latinoamerica
Monday May 4th, 2015 with Alejandro Hernandez
Indigenous music performed and composed by young people in Latin America

Achuar youth (in picture). "We are concerned about young people who are ashamed of who they are, those who pretend they can not speak their own language, those who deny their parents and do not value their origin. All of this is a result of the discrimination we have suffered for years and it's time to change, to recognize the richness of our culture, the strength of our people, the teachings of our ancestors and grandparents. We want to talk about all of this through the music we do with Vayijel" Oscar, vocalist and guitarist Vayijel. “Nos preocupan los jóvenes que se avergüenzan de lo que son, los que fingen que no saben hablar su lengua, los que niegan a sus padres y no valoran su origen. Todo eso es consecuencia de la discriminación que hemos sufrido durante años y ya es momento de cambiar, de reconocer la riqueza de nuestra cultura, la fortaleza de nuestro pueblo, las enseñanzas de nuestros ancestros y nuestros abuelos. De todo eso queremos hablar a través de la música que hacemos con Vayijel” Oscar, vocalista y guitarrista de Vayijel *Many of the musical suggestions for this show came from a selection of (NPR).
El sol de la noche
Salsa Celtica (Scotland) - Salsa around the world - Background
Fun Key One
Ishto Juevez (Guatemala) - .
Havana Mambo (Italy) - Salsa around the world - Background
Amaotayku Avelino Sinani (El Remolon Remix)
Luzmila Carpio (Captain Planet Remix) (Bolivia) - Luzmila Carpio Meets ZZK
Ban sali
Arnell i su orjkestra (Curacao) - Salsa around the world - Background
Forest flower
Apurimac (Greece) - Salsa around the world - Background
Vayijel (Tzotziles in Mexico) - J'ilol
Toure Kunda (Senegal) - Salsa around the world - Background
Palin Aukatuaiñ
Wechekeche Ñi Traw Ün (Mapuche region in Chile) - Palin Aukatuaiñ
Anna Maria
Mousta Largo (Morocco) - Salsa around the world - Background
La Bonita
El Remolon (Argentina) - Pibe Cosmo
Kalfullufken Paillafilu (Mapuches in Chile) - Kollong
Amor amapuchao
Kalfullufken Paillafilu (Mapuches in Chile) - .
Interactive CKCU
Alejandro Hernandez (host)
Bienvenid@s; winkápew, nitáp; welcome.

1:58 PM, May 4th, 2015