Sitting in for Jeff this evening, I've brought a few bits and pieces over from the UK. The programe will include a series of songs reflecting our different types of relationships with horses over the centuries. plus some information about a local company "Horses of the Sun" who provide a range of activities with horses.
Blackie and the Rodeo King Willie P Bennett - Blackie and the Rodeo King |
Blind Horses Stephen Fearing - The Blue Line |
I Fell In Love With A Cowboy Lynne Miles - Slightly Haunted |
Chestnut Mare The Byrds - Best Of |
Two White Horses Tir Na Nog - A Tear and a Smile |
Long Shot Kick The Bucket The Pioneers - Tighten Up, Volume 2 |
Amazona Roxy Music - Stranded |
Sensimilia Dub Chariot Riders - Sensimilia Dub |
Visions Of You Jah Wobble - Rising Above Bedlam |
Amour Fou Kanda Bongo Man - Amour Fou |
Bomba Jah Wobble - Rising Above Bedlam |
Groovathon Isaac Hayes - Groovathon |