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Ottawa Morning Talk
Thursday June 7th, 2018 with Jeff Larocque Filling In
Thierry Harris guests in studio today - candidate for Municipal Council Ward 12 Rideau-Vanier

You can follow Thierry Harris on Twitter @thierry_harris or check out his website at or if you have a question about what we talked about this morning you can call him directly at 613-265-4655
The Silence Came After
Claude Munson - The Silence Came After Canadian
Claude Munson - The Silence Came After Canadian
Remembering Schubert
Mary Kenedi - Palimpsest: Mary Kenedi Plays Canadian Piano Music, Vol. 2 Canadian
Heart of the People
Leela Gilday - Heart of the People Canadian
Listen To The Trees
The Harmony Club - How To Be Awesome Canadian New
Interactive CKCU
Shelley Ann Morris
THANK YOU so much for speaking up about accessibility! Thanks for giving voice to it! AMEN!!!! My step-son's band has to play in clubs that his Dad can't access.

6:40 AM, June 7th, 2018
Shelley Ann Morris
I should explain that my step-son's father uses a manual wheelchair. Don't get me going on the lack of accessible washrooms--a whole 'nother rant! Really enjoying the show this morning.

6:44 AM, June 7th, 2018
Thierry Harris
Thank you for listening Shelley. Accessibility is an issue that I care deeply about. Please visit my website and join me in creating positive, people-centered change!

10:55 AM, June 7th, 2018
Thanks mr. harris for going against mathieu fleury He's a big fat liar who lied about the salvation army and you can't trust him. Done absolutely nothing for vanier. Jim watson's best friend right. bye bye. nice to know ya. NOT.

1:35 AM, August 11th, 2018