In which we examine courses of study through related song. But first, some new(ish) music just for the heck of it.
Troubled Moths and Locusts - Helios Rising - Noiseagonymayhem (2016) |
We Are 'E' Farflung - 5 - Heavy Psych Sounds (2016) |
Honeychild The Fays - War Tower - 613 Records (2015) |
And then a chat with James Brummel of The Fays. (The Fays, Mississippi Grover, and Naviger play at Pressed Cafe on Saturday, September 24)
Music from Naviger: |
Jupiter (music bed) Moe Koffman - Solar Explorations - GRT (1974) |
Pig Pole Mississippi Grover - Out Of Ottawa (compilation) - 613 Records (2011) |
Class is in session with: dance, geology, economics, electronics |
Dancing (Burnout) The Radiation Flowers - 7" - Independent (2016) |
Rock Formations Yawning Man - Rock Formations - Alone Records (2005) |
High Prices (Going Down) The Deadly Snakes - Porcella - In The Red Records (2006) |
Ohm Yo La Tengo - Fade - Matador Records (2013) |
Jupiter (music bed) Moe Koffman - Solar Explorations - GRT (1974) |
Architecture, geography, film. And hanging out in the library with Ice-T. |
Under the Roof (recorded 1986ish) Nagamatzu - Above This Noise (collection) - Dark Entries (2016) |
Geography I Front 242 - Geography - Wax Trax! (1982) |
The Ballad of Roy Batty Grumbling Fur - Glynnaestra - Thrill Jockey (2012) |
Lethal Weapon Ice-T - The Iceberg: Freedom of Speech (Just Watch What You Say) |
Archaeology, anthropology, music (via the violin), literature (or fashion or Canadian Studies - your choice), and finally some futzing around with cables in the A/V club. Good luck. |
Jupiter (music bed) Moe Koffman - Solar Explorations - GRT (1974) |
Machu Picchu Un Dos Tres Y Fuera - Venezuela 70 - Soul Jazz (2016) |
We Be All Africans Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids - We Be All Africans - Strut (2016) |
Violin Kate Bush - Never For Ever - Harvest (1980) |
Xanadu Rush - A Farewell To Kings - Anthem (1977) |
Coaxial De Facto - Megaton Shotblast - GSL Records (2001) |
Hi Bill! Hi James! :) ...good to hear y'all! Join us at the Dom after for Flesh Rag, FITS, Durs Coeurs perhaps?
8:39 PM, September 3rd, 2016