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Future Pop
Friday September 21st, 2012 with DJ Reverie

In This Moment
The Birthday Massacre - Hide and Seek - Metropolis Records Canadian New
Resurrection (People Theatre's Grave Mix)
Nexus VI - RemixLust - Synthematik
God is a Strangely Absent Father
Assemblage 23 - Bruise (Deluxe) - Metropolis Records New
Dancing Girl
Electro Spectre - Dangerous Game - Crab Key Records New
Shouts of Joy
And One - S.T.O.P. - Synthetic Symphony
Boy Toy
De/Vision - Rockets & Swords - Metropolis Records New
Join the Light
Unity One - Infrared - Synthematik New
Follow You Behind (Instrumental Mix)
Mental Discipline - Syntension Beta - Synthematik New
Sail Away!
Ginger Snap5 - Syntension Beta - Synthematik New
Morpheux (Club Mix)
In Strict Confidence - Morpheus - Synthetic Symphony
The Whore Inside Me (The Remix!! by Clicks)
Dismantled - Whole Wide World - Metropolis Records New
Demon Be Gone
L'ame Immortelle - Momente - Trisol Music Group
Wake Up, Baby Doe (Rework)
Inxera Syndrome - Syntension Beta - Synthematik New
The Devil
X-In June - Hall of Truth - Danse Macabre Records
Yesteryears (Club Mix)
Diskonnekted - Hotel Existence - Alfa Matrix Records
Bury You Alive (Straftanz Edit)
Caustic - The Man Who Couldn't Stop - Metropolis Records New
Decoded Feedback - disKonnekt - Metropolis Records Canadian New
Velvet Acid Christ - Maldire - Metropolis Records New
Treacherous Thing (Single Mix)
Ego Likeness - Treacherous Thing - Self-released New
SOS Overdose
Psy'Aviah - Introspection / Extrospection - Alfa Matrix Records
Espermachine - Dying Life - 23db Records
Perfect Sex
Icon of Coil - n/a New
Ancients (BlakOPZ Summon Remix)
iVardensphere - I Dream In Noise: Remixes Vol. 2 - Metropolis Records Canadian New
Mirage (US 7" Version)
Lowe - Mirage - WTII Records
Alien Invasion
Gecko Sector - Enter - Out of Line Records