The Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) is a proposal to ensure everyone an income sufficient to meet their most basic needs
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Interactive CKCU
Paul Bennett Hello Gord/Monique/Qais:
As Qais has attended a few One World Arts meetings recently, we have been wondering how we me might enhance our relationship to our mutual benefit. Is this something you have given further thought to and would you like to attend one of our Board meetings? The next is on June 16. You can reach me at or 613/237-1559. Note that I will be out of town from June 4-12 but will be checking me e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you. Paul Bennett Interim One World Arts Board Chair
Hello Gord/Monique/Qais: As Qais has attended a few One World Arts meetings recently, we have been wondering how we me might enhance our relationship to our mutual benefit. Is this something you have given further thought to and would you like to attend one of our Board meetings? The next is on June 16. You can reach me at or 613/237-1559. Note that I will be out of town from June 4-12 but will be checking me e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you. Paul Bennett Interim One World Arts Board Chair
10:50 PM, June 4th, 2015