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A Luta Continua
Friday December 19th, 2014 with Monique Fuller
Interview with Foodie Prints blogger and authour Jennifer Lim.

Jennifer Lim and Don Chow are co-authours of the book Ottawa Food: A Hungry Capital. Their food blog can be found at
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Interactive CKCU
My poem for today Ever think ever notice Those churchy drawings Foisted on us Abstracted contracted From the world to come They promise our salvation Not now not now Not ever now Only if we repent And accept what they demand And live the way they choose Denying earthly life Obeying and awaiting That holy reward that Paradise to be sent That day we all are spent Those elegant gentle Doves of peace The unmanly face Without a crease Demanding adoration While all around Starving people on the street Appeal to those above them Locked safe away like Faberge Precious cities built within Skyscrapers that cost a lot But steel is cold Is it not Ok ok so you get your way Protected in your towers And seashores that you've gated And farmlands you've converted Disinfected verbally corrected No extra space Eternal day florescent night No place for trees or flowers Except for poppy paint On crosses at releases With the final Rest in Peace

7:14 AM, December 30th, 2014
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