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Audio Sensory Resuscitation 2
Tuesday June 21st, 2011 with Mike Mersereau
Audio Sensory Resuscitation

Day Job at the DND
The Consumer Goods - The Anti-Imperial Cabaret Canadian
Phantom Anthills
Chad VanGaalen - Soft Airplane Canadian
Luck of Love
The Bicycles - The Good, the Bad and the Cuddly Canadian
Kids (remix)
MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
The New Pornographers - Together Canadian
Benton Harbor Blues
The Fiery Furnaces - Bitter Tea
Hi Jack - Choose Your Side Canadian
Fortune and Fame
The KGB - The K.G.B.
Tweeter and the Monkey Man
The Headstones - Picture of Health Canadian
Hey Ocean! - It's Easier to Be Somebody Else Canadian
Girl Power
Shampoo - Girl Power
If Rap Gets Jealous
K'naan - Troubadour
I've Got Friends
Manchester Orchestra - Mean Everything To Nothing