Nan emisyon sa a animatè yo founi je gade:
* Lemond awoyo: kriz sante, lagè, kriptolajan ki fè bèk atè
* Ayiti : kote Yonyon prale la a? ki sa blan Meriken ap fè ak swadizan ankèt sou lanmò Jovenel Moise la?
* 20 Me se jou fèt Konstitisyon peyi a
Je suis communiste Kebert Bastien - Mon General Soleil Mon Kamoken |
Bagay yo anpil Dardeley feat Don Kato - Bagay yo anpil |
Fè l an Kreyòl Chango Bastia - Fè l an Kreyòl |
Incroyable Harmonik - Degaje |
Jah & Jahes love brothers Jafrikayiti and Roger Adam. Thank you very much for a very informative show about the issues that concern us today. I am very happy with Roger Adam's discussion of the situation with Vladimir Putin in Russia. I am happy that Ayiti people are staying up to date on the situation. Also, I love all of the music that you played on the show today. I especially like Chango Bastia's "Fe l an Kreyol". Blessed love.#1804 #Ayiti #FelanKreyol
2:31 PM, May 17th, 2022