tell us how we doing your comments will helps thanks
1 Sheikh said - Arimaha bulshada
- 2
1 Xayaysiis - Arimaha bulshada
- 3
1 waraysi - nuuradiin ottawa helth
- 4
1 hees - somalia
- 5
1 hees - xull ah
- 6
Interactive CKCU Looks like the playlist is the same for every show?? I have discovered that I love Somali music. I have heard a song twice on your show (March 7 and the week before) which I really love, but the artist is never identified in English. Please help me to find out who this artist is. It was the first song you played at 6pm yesterday. Thanks. H Syme
Looks like the playlist is the same for every show?? I have discovered that I love Somali music. I have heard a song twice on your show (March 7 and the week before) which I really love, but the artist is never identified in English. Please help me to find out who this artist is. It was the first song you played at 6pm yesterday. Thanks. H Syme
3:43 PM, March 8th, 2021