Where are the Warnings Trevor Baker - Still Some Left - indie |
Woman at the Well Denis Grady - Grace in the Strangest Places - indie |
Wallflower Buddy and Julie Miller - Buddy and Julie Miller - Hightone |
The Resurrection of the Body Steve Scott - Crossing the Boundaries - Glow |
The Hug Poem Bradley Hathaway - All the Hits So Far - Relevant |
This I Know Trevor Dick - Yahweh - Kerux |
Go It Alone Prince John - Prince John - indie |
Rock and a Hard Place Mercy Train - Mercy Train - indie |
Winter The Echoing Green - The Winter of Our Discontent - A Different Drum |
Thrill Town One Hundred Days - The Obvious - Liquid Disc |
Small Town Minds MxPx - At the Show - Tooth and Nail |
Through the Oppression of the Wicked Don't Wake Aislin - (single) - indie |