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Over My Head
Sunday February 12th, 2023 with David Leibold
Two album features today - The Dirt (1994) by Magdalen in the first hour; Super Duper by Hokus Pick (1999) in the second hour.

Two album features today - The Dirt (1994) by Magdalen in the first hour; Super Duper by Hokus Pick (1999) in the second hour.
Long Road Home
Marlene O'Neill - I Lean on You Canadian
Let My Heart Break
Jaylene Johnson - Potter & Clay - Signpost Canadian
Ice Road
Karla Adolphe - Live at the Space Canadian
Love & Mystery
Strahan - Vulnerability
Shelter Me
The Commissionaires - Shelter Me Canadian
Russ Rosen Band - Waiting For Abraham Canadian
The Naming of Jesus
Malcolm Guite - Songs and Sonnets - Signpost
War Pigs
Magdalen - The Dirt - Intense/Frontline
Shotgun Shack
Magdalen - The Dirt - Intense/Frontline
The Rapture
Magdalen - The Dirt - Intense/Frontline
Redemption Song
Magdalen - The Dirt - Intense/Frontline
Bourbon Way
Magdalen - The Dirt - Intense/Frontline
Street of No Hope
Magdalen - The Dirt - Intense/Frontline
Hokus Pick - Super Duper - Freedom/Malaco Canadian
Love (The Flavor Of)
Hokus Pick - Super Duper - Freedom/Malaco Canadian
I Know Better
Hokus Pick - Super Duper - Freedom/Malaco Canadian
Learning as I Go
Hokus Pick - Super Duper - Freedom/Malaco Canadian
Forgiveness in You
Hokus Pick - Super Duper - Freedom/Malaco Canadian
Welcome to the Happy Club
Hokus Pick - Super Duper - Freedom/Malaco Canadian
This is Me
Hokus Pick - Super Duper - Freedom/Malaco Canadian
Hokus Pick - Super Duper - Freedom/Malaco Canadian
Anybody Else But Me
Hokus Pick - Super Duper - Freedom/Malaco Canadian
Hokus Pick - Super Duper - Freedom/Malaco Canadian
The Sympathy Vote
Steve Taylor and the Perfect Foil - Goliath - Splint
Five Iron Frenzy - Electric Boogaloo - Five Minute Walk
The Prayer Chain - Live - Rode Dog
Brutal Planet
Alice Cooper - No More Mr. Nice Guy - Live at Alexandra Palace
Good Shepherd
Wovenhand - Refractory Obdurate - Deathwish
Bird Nest
One Bad Pig - I Scream Sunday - Myrrh

Sat 25 Feb - Jacob Moon, Ottawa Kanata Baptist Church

Sat 4 Mar - The Academy Choir w/ Minister Paul WIlson (Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto chapters) plus guests - Black History Month Gospel Celebration - in Toronto, Faith Sanctuary Pentecostal
Interactive CKCU
Love on Saint Valentine's Day! Only hope we got left!🙏 Off to W.A.R.M church! Orleans. Good list!! Thanks!

8:58 AM, February 12th, 2023
David Leibold (host)
Thanks for listening!

9:02 AM, February 12th, 2023