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Over My Head
Sunday April 26th, 2020 with David Leibold
Numerous songs, plus album feature - Solace From Solitude by Hymns for the Architect

Comfort My People
Jon Buller - Good Company (Steve Bell - Pilgrimage set) - Signpost Canadian
No Ladders
Amy Dagenais - No Ladders - indie Canadian
Album feature - Solace From Solitude, an instrumental project by Hymns for the Architect
Ascent (Part 1)
Hymns For the Architect - Solace From Solitude - indie Canadian
Hymns For the Architect - Solace From Solitude - indie Canadian
Rising Rain
Hymns For the Architect - Solace From Solitude - indie Canadian
Lake Manitou
Hymns For the Architect - Solace From Solitude - indie Canadian
Morning Light
Hymns For the Architect - Solace From Solitude - indie Canadian
The Country of the Mind
Hymns For the Architect - Solace From Solitude - indie Canadian
Descent (Part 1)
Hymns For the Architect - Solace From Solitude - indie Canadian
I've Got a Hope (Pierce Pettis cover)
Carolyn Arends - Pollyanna's Attic - indie Canadian
Show Me the Way to Go
Toronto Children's Concert Choir (TC3) - Our Message (EP) - Micah Canadian
The 77s - Drowning With Land in Sight - Myrrh
Child of the King
Karla Adolphe - Live at the Space - indie Canadian
John 1
Joey McNitt - Morning Will Come - indie Canadian
I Will Not Be Shaken
Steve Bell - Burning Ember - Signpost Canadian
Broken Things
Julie Miller - Broken Things - Hightone
Blessing in Disguise
Lost Dogs - Gift Horse - BEC
Deeper Well
Christopher Williams - We Will Remember - indie
Psalm 23
Melayne - He is Here - indie Canadian
Jon Corbin feat. Early Bird - Every Day - LSTNFND Canadian
Brother to Brother
Scott Towaij - Love Revolution - indie Canadian
Hollow Grave
Informants - Uprising - indie Canadian
Ashley Cleveland - Bus Named Desire - Reunion
Down From the Mountain
Newworldson - Roots Revolution - Orange Cross Canadian
Beyond the End of the World
Haydon Spenceley - Mirrors - indie
Yesterday's Taking Over
The Echoing Green - Supernova - Red Hill
Ready Fuels
Anberlin - Icon - Tooth and Nail/Capitol
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