The Gift of St Cecilia Jars of Clay - Christmas Songs - Netwerk |
Winter Skin Jars of Clay - Christmas Songs - Netwerk |
Shine Laila Biali - House of Many Rooms - Indie |
Sparrow Laila Biali - House of Many Rooms - Indie |
Song for the Unborn Josiah Milnes - youtube single - Indie |
Candle Michael Hart - Dulcimer Light - Indie |
In the Bleak Midwinter Jacob Moon - This Christmas - Signpost |
Against the Wind Maire Brennan - Maire - Atlantic |
Great and marvellous are your deeds Lord Liz Fitzgibbon - The New Celts vol 2 - Kingsway |
Moon and Mars Rick Altizer - Neon Fixation - KMG |
History Maker Delirious - King of Fools - Furious |
I'll play the missed song by Ardyth and Jennifer next month. Hope you enjoy the show
8:43 AM, January 10th, 2016