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Gospel Express
Sunday January 12th, 2020 with Picasso
** RETIREMENT OF Gospel Express (G-Ex) - January 26, 2020 Email Address: /​​/​​ On Air Request Line @ 613-520-2528

Gain The World / I'm Not The Same
James Hall and Worship and Praise - Trip Down Memory Lane
I've Go The Victory (Live)
Ricky Dillard and New G - 10 (Live)
Work It Out
Tye Tribbett - The Bloody Win
You Deserve It
J.J. Hairston - You Deserve It
Reckless Love
Israel - Reckless Love
Sing A Song (Part 2) [ feat. Aaron Cole]
Aaron Cole & Nashville Life Music - Sing A Song Part 2.
A Billion People
Detrick Haddon & Hill City Worship CAmp - Deitrick Haddon & Hill City Wporship Camp
Interactive CKCU
Bon matin
Good morning DJ Leek, DJ Hersey, and Mr. Picasso. Thanks for coming out this morning, to play music for us. Enjoying the show!

7:16 AM, January 12th, 2020
Hello DJs, ....would it be possible to hear, ...... "Sing a song- (pt 2)" - by Aaron Cole & Nashville Life Music. Thankyou!

7:31 AM, January 12th, 2020
Song of the decade
I heard that "Reckless Love" - the original version the song of the decade. 2010 - 2019

7:49 AM, January 12th, 2020
Thankyou for playing my request!👍 Have a blessed, prosperous, healthy, and safe 2020. All the best in school, DJ Leek, and DJ Hersey. ♡

7:53 AM, January 12th, 2020
Retirement? Really? Is it so?

7:54 AM, January 12th, 2020