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Friday Special Blend
Tuesday December 8th, 2020 with Susan Johnston
Story. Featuring David Brennan, Mary Alice Arthur, Shawn Anthony, and Alan Doyle.

New books from Mary Alice Arthur (365Alive!) and Alan Doyle (All Together Now) plus performances by David Brennan and Shawn Anthony... We start off with Ottawa storyteller and comedian David Brennan's performance of The Fuss. Bittersweet this year, and a beautiful telling. Then, we'll hear from Mary Alice Arthur about her brand new book (launching today), 365Alive! She's a global Story Activist (and yes, she'll talk about claiming those terms), using story to help people understand and address the critical issues of our times. According to Mary Alice, "your story determines how you see things and who you can be as a result. It influences whether you feel powerless or powerful, colors how you define success and happiness, underpins every action you take. When you wake up to the stories at work in your life you suddenly step into the position of power. Story stops being what defines you and becomes your ally. 365 ALIVE! Is a wake-up call to the power and practice of story." Want to know more? Check out: Then, the team at (un)told Ottawa connected us with Shawn Anthony, a local storyteller originally from Fogo Island who shares stories of his youth. Find out more at: and Shawn will also be performing at the Ottawa Storytellers Signature Series in February. Then, we'll hear from singer-songwriter and storyteller, Alan Doyle. He'll talk about his new book, All Together Now. It's intended to be a gathering in book form -- a virtual Newfoundland pub. He'll share a chat and some stories. More info at: and
It's ok
The Ennis Sisters, Alan Doyle, The Once, Fortunate Ones, Rachel Cousins - It's ok Canadian New
Promenade d'hiver
Kristine St. Pierre & Justin Lacroix - Noel avec toi Canadian
Kellylee Evans (Rise Ashen remix) - Lost Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Erik (from Curiocity)
The chat with Alan Doyle is FANTASTIC! Listening on my new CD / FM player and it all sounds awesome. :)

5:00 PM, December 8th, 2020
Lynda Joyce
I love David Brennan's poem. I listened to every word of Mary Alice Arthur's which was so meaningful and touching. Also enjoyed Shawn's story, the music and the interview with Alan Doyle. Thank you for a very interesting and meaninful program

11:53 AM, December 9th, 2020