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Friday Special Blend
Friday June 12th, 2020 with Chris White
Colleen Forer, Dr. Joan Durrant, Dr. Ashley Stewart-Tufescu, Evan Garrow and friends, Jane Siberry

Hour 1: Colleen Forer is a connected to the Ottawa Farmers Market as a vendor ( and as a board member. She describes the major changes to market operations caused by pandemic safety precautions. You can 'Click and Collect' items at the Lansdowne Market -- see Dr. Joan Durrant and Dr. Ashley Stewart-Tufescu from the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg talk about an approach to parenting called Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting. The highly-successful program is based on respecting children's rights, understanding developmental stages and focusing on long-term goals. For information, see Hour 2: Esteemed musician and concerned citizen Jane Siberry talks about her current projects, the commercialization of art, and living in harmony with one another. "Reactionary visual" artist Evan Garrow describes an elaborate concert that will take place on Friday, July 3, featuring 14 musical acts and resulting in the creation of 60 music videos. A number of the musicians involved in the concert drop by to talk about their reasons for participating.
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