Friday Special Blend
Friday February 21st, 2020 with Chris White, Barb Gray, Alecks Charron
Diane Beckett, Miranda Martel, Catriona Sturton, Simone Jones, Heather Daley (Tone Cluster), Mark Bourrie, Wanda Robson
Diane Beckett is an environment and development consultant who is about to move from Ottawa to Churchill, Manitoba to become the Executive Director of the Churchill Northern Studies Centre. The Centre is an independent, non-profit field station that focuses on research and education in the Sub-Arctic -- see https://www.churchillscience.ca.
Catriona Sturton (http://www.catrionasturton.com) drops by to perform some songs and talk about her concert coming up at the NAC Fourth Stage next Friday evening, Feb. 28. Libby Rodenbough, an extraordinary musician from North Carolina, will be featured in the concert.
Barb Gray's Arts Report, Part 1 features Simone Jones, a photographer and videographer who had some very exciting adventures while accompanying a Canadian Forces search and rescue team in the North. Her work is part of a multi-artist exhibit at the Canadian War Museum entitled "Group 8". The show runs until May 18 -- see https://www.warmuseum.ca/event/the-canadian-forces-artists-program-group-8
Barb Gray's Arts Report, Part 2 is a conversation with Heather Daley about the negative impact unauthorized ticket resellers are having on Tone Cluster's popular annual 'Show Tune Showdown' fundraiser.
Ottawa-based author Mark Bourrie wrote the national bestseller 'Bush Runner: The Adventures of Pierre-Esprit Radisson' (Biblioasis). The book and is shortlisted for the $25,000 RBC Taylor Prize. The winner will be announced on March 2nd!
Wanda Robson lives in North Sydney, Nova Scotia. Like her sister Viola Desmond, who graces the $10 bill, Wanda is a committed and inspriring advocate for social justice and inclusion. She will speak at the Museum of History on Thursday evening, Feb. 27 at 7:00 pm in an interview with Senator Wanda Thomas Bernard -- see https://www.historymuseum.ca/event/an-evening-with-wanda-robson.
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