Friday Special Blend
Friday November 1st, 2019 with Chris White, Barb Gray and Alecks Charron
Lindsay Arnold, Alicia Borisonik, Rebecca Kahindo, Ian Boyd, Cee Lawrence, John P. Kelly
CKCU's annual Funding Drive is in progress! Please pledge your support by dialing 613-520-2528 or going to http://www.ckcufm.com/pledge.
Lindsay Arnold's Music Pick (L.A.M.P.) focuses on the fascinating artist collective and band known as CANO (La Coopérative des Artistes du Nouvel-Ontario). CANO was the most popular and internationally successful band in Franco-Ontarian history.
Alicia Borisonik and Rebecca Kahindo drop by to talk about an exciting project they are involved with through an organization called World Folk Music Ottawa (WOFOMO) -- website www.worldfolkmusicottawa.ca. Youth ages 14 to 29 from a variety of cultural backgrounds are invited to audition next week for a musical to be performed in April. With the mentorship of professional artists, youth will create their own script, songs, choreography and staging.
Barb Gray's Friday Arts Report features John P. Kelly (‘Oleanna’, Gladstone Theatre).
Ian Boyd is the long-time proprietor of Compact Music in the Glebe... and a long-time supporter of CKCU. He brings along some music picks and encourages everyone who loves music to support this year's Funding Drive.
Cee Lawrence drops by to perform live and chat about her brand-new EP, 'This One's for Me.' She plays at Live on Elgin on Sun. Nov. 3 at 7 pm -- on a bill with Danielle Allard and Kristine St-Pierre
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