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Friday Special Blend
Friday July 5th, 2019 with Chris White, Alecks Charron and Barb Gray
Kristine St-Pierre, Randal Marlin, Fánaid

Chris and Alecks welcome some fascinating guests to Special Blend... 7:15 am Kristine St-Pierre drops by to talk about the SurroundSound radio documentary festival she founded and has produced for the fifth time. The four-part curated series will be broadcast on CKCU on Mondays at 9:05 am starting this Monday, July 8. The series will be broadcast on five other community stations across Canada as well. 7:35 am Randal Marlin is in the studio to play some fiddle tunes and to describe a participatory traditional music jam that is taking place one evening a week outdoors at Hog's Back Park. 8:15 am Fánaid is a traditional Irish trio from touring Canada for the first time. They share some music and talk about their concert coming up this evening at Ecclesiax in the Glebe, and their involvement in this weekend's Celtfest in Almonte. Plus... Barb Gray is in the studio with lots of information and interviews on the Friday Arts Report.
Cobalt Miner's Daughter
Vince Halfhide - Vince Halfhide Canadian
Toutes les choses
Kristine St-Pierre - live in the studio Canadian
Kristine St-Pierre - live in the studio Canadian
Maple Sugar
Randal Marlin - live in the studio Canadian
Chinese Breakdown
Randal Marlin - live in the studio Canadian

Barb Gray Arts Report, Part 1: Interview with Nicholas Leno, Company of Fools -

Barb Gray Arts Report, Part 3: Interview with Caroline Holland, Canadian Museum of Science and Innovation -
Two Jigs
Fanaid - .
Tammy Murphy
Fanaid - live on the phone!
A Cloud of Blackbirds
Fanaid - .
Willie on the WInd
Dennis O'Toole - Lone Gunman at the Assassin's Hotel Canadian New
Interactive CKCU