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Friday Special Blend
Friday January 15th, 2016 with Susan Johnston and Bob LeDrew
Art and Productivity

New exhibit by Matthew Reichertz at the Carleton University Art Gallery and the author of "A Life of Productivity" The Ottawa Folk Music Events list:
My Focal Point
Chris Page - Volume Vs Voice Canadian New
INTERVIEW: Matthew Reichertz is a Halifax artist and professor. His new graphic story exhibit "Garbage" is one of two opening at the Carleton University Art Gallery on January 18. We took a walk around the exhibit with him.
Not This Time
Amanda Rheaume - Keep a Fire Canadian
Musician Fraser Holmes died earlier this month, far too young and with far too much music left unmade. A Celebration for Fraser is being planned for Jan. 17 at the Renfrew Armouries at 2 pm. There will be plenty of wonderful music there from his friends and family.
Young Americans
Danny Michel - Loving the Alien - Burnt Bun Canadian
You don't miss the water
William Bell - Stax 50th anniversary celebration - Stax
Amy Campbell - Oh Heart Oh Highway Canadian
Ashes to ashes
Danny Michel - Loving the Alien - Burnt Bun Canadian
INTERVIEW: Chris Bailey is the author of the new book "The Productivity Project" and the website He joins us to talk about his work.
Interactive CKCU
Frank Smith
Great show Susan and Bob!

7:20 AM, January 15th, 2016