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Spirit Of Vietnam
Ottawa's weekly Vietnamese language community radio show.
Hosted by: Minhtri Truong and Thu Anh Nguyen
Airs: Every Saturday from 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM

Join Minhtri Truong, King Kimbit (Nguyen Anh Thu) and QD Nong for Ottawa's weekly Vietnamese language community radio show.

Spirit Of Vietnam

Date Host Highlight On Demand
Mar. 8, 2025 QD Nong News related to human rights in Vietnam (RFA, VOA) and songs commemorating International Women's Day.
Mar. 1, 2025 QD Nong News related to human rights in Vietnam (RFA) and story about an immortal musical compositions of composer Phạm Đình Chương, “Mộng dưới hoa”, a song inspired by two poems: “Tự tình dưới hoa” and “Xuôi dòng mộng ảo” of the poet Đinh Hùng in the late 50s.
Feb. 15, 2025 QD Nong News related to human rights in Vietnam (RFA), special article about: How do countries around the world celebrate Valentine's Day differently? (SBS) and love songs on the occasion of Valentine Day.
Feb. 8, 2025 QD Nong News related to human rights in Vietnam (RFA), special article about: Unique cultural features of Vietnamese lion and dragon dance art (RFI) and songs inspired by Spring and Vietnamese New Year.
Feb. 1, 2025 Minhtri Truong New Year Special: Significance of the snake in Vietnamese culture (from France-based RFI)
Jan. 25, 2025 QD Nong Songs inspired by Spring and Vietnamese New Year (Tết).

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