Alphanza Jamaur El Caananland Moors Lecture at Ottawa University Dec 10 Fauteux Building (Faculty if Law)57 Louis Pasteur 1pm to 5pm Come hear the truth about Nationality and Birthright Law Order and Governmental Principles. .Marcus Garvey stated the "Negro" will not be happy until he/she has a Nationality!.. This is for the Mothers...the young and the unborn don't miss it
4:36 PM, December 3rd, 2016
Alphanza Jamaur El Mi a pledge 25 dollars ..please advertise my event the speaker is Kudjo Adwo El ..originally from Tobago
Caananland Moors Lecture at Ottawa University Dec 10 Fauteux Building (Faculty if Law)57 Louis Pasteur 1pm to 5pm Come hear the truth about Nationality and Birthright Law Order and Governmental Principles. .Marcus Garvey stated the "Negro" will not be happy until he/she has a Nationality!.. This is for the Mothers...the young and the unborn don't miss it
4:36 PM, December 3rd, 2016