Judy McEwen got your show here in Georgia for our winter break.
10:16 AM, March 10th, 2012
Chopper McKinnon (host) Hey Judy and Ross - It's fun to know you're listening! Have a great time down there! Chopper, Chris and Cecile
10:20 AM, March 10th, 2012
Shelly and Kenji listening from toronto... Kenji and I are hoping you can mention or play a song for Japan...It's been 1 year since the earthquake/tsunami. I think Imagine by john lennon is appropriate but you guys are the DJ's:) Thanks Arigatou
11:08 AM, March 10th, 2012
Tony Copple Chopper: Stephen Fearing's collaborator from Australia is Andy White - who has played in CKCU.
got your show here in Georgia for our winter break.
10:16 AM, March 10th, 2012