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Canadian Spaces
Saturday November 2nd, 2013 with Mike Regenstreif, Chris White
Funding Drive show 2: Marie-Lynn Hammond, Don Bird, Chris Chanter, Sue Tennant, David Ross Macdonald, Arthur McGregor, Kristine St-Pierre, Justin Lacroix

Independence Day
Ferron - Driver Canadian
Interview with Marie-Lynn Hammond (Toronto)
Emily Flies
Marie-Lynn Hammond - HoofBeats Canadian
Interview with Don Bird (Toronto) - former artistic director of Summerfolk festival in Owen Sound, friend of Ken Palmer and fan of CKCU.
White Line
Willie P. Bennett - Tryin' to Start Out Clean Canadian
Interview with Chris Chanter (Toronto) - former board member of Hillside Festival in Guelph, and clown in refugee camps with Dr. Patch Adams.
Black Flowers
Lynn Miles - Black Flowers vol. 2 Canadian
Sue Tennant in the studio to talk about "The Voices" event in Perth on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 10 featuring singer-songwriter Jenny Whiteley and author Tim Wynne-Jones.
Halls of Folsom
Jenny Whiteley - Hopetown Canadian
Australian singer-songwriter David Ross Macdonald in the studio.
Rocks and Snow
David Ross Macdonald - live in the studio
Arthur McGregor, musician and proprietor of the Ottawa Folklore Centre, in the studio.
I Love Radio
Arthur McGregor - live in the studio Canadian
Turn Your Radio On
Bec & Rusty - Tea for Two Canadian
Kristine St-Pierre (Ottawa) and Justin Lacroix (Winnipeg) in the studio. They perform at the Black Sheep tomorrow afternoon.
I Waited and Waited for You
Kristine St-Pierre & Justin Lacroix - live in the studio Canadian
Perfect Politician
Rick Fines - Riley Wants His Life Back Canadian
Lifting My Heart
Hart Rouge - Beaupré's Home Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Mike Mercer
In memory of Chopper Mckinnon I went online put in $10 Dollars just a few minutes before you guys came on air all you space cadets out there do your part for CKCU Dial & Donate or online like I have now done keep CKCU going for another year!

10:07 AM, November 2nd, 2013
The first folk festival I went to in Ottawa was held in Brewer Park on Bronson Avenue across from Carleton. I remember that it was packed. It predated the early Ottawa Folk Festivals at Brittannia Park. Does anyone remember who organized that particular festival and what it was called? Thanks

6:25 PM, November 2nd, 2013
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