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Crimes Against Music
Friday April 4th, 2014 with Bill Guerrero
April's Theme Show: It's One or the Zero: Crimes Against Music get all electronic

Garden Pests
Hawkwind - Electric Teepee - Back on Black (orig 1992)
Colin Newman - A-Z - Beggar's Banquet (1980)
I Prefer
Ministry - The Land of Rape and Hon - Sire (1988)
Food Pyramid - Ecstacy and Refreshment - Holy Mountain/Intercoastal (2013)
Mi Ami - Decade - 100% Silk (2014)
Dew Chilled Goat's Milk (music bed, excerpt)
RAAS - Afterburners Vol. 3 - Bruised Tongue (2013) Canadian
Night Fantasy
Umberto - Confrontations - Not Not Fun (2013)
Le sommeil
Violence - Violence Erlebnis - Visage Musique (2014) Canadian New
Grumbling Fur - Glynnaestra - Thrill Jockey (2013)
Skinny Puppy - Bites - Nettwerk (1985) Canadian
Dew Chilled Goat's Milk (music bed, excerpt)
RAAS - Afterburners Vol. 3 - Bruised Tongue (2013) Canadian
Demolition House
Tackhead - Friendly As A Hand Grenade - TVT (1989)
Cosmic Jam
DJ Food - Flexistentialism
Interactive CKCU
Murk Mucknmire
though i am but plastic, cable, and steel, i can feel.

7:11 PM, April 4th, 2014
Bill Guerrero (host)
Those are some good sensors you're workin' with there.

7:14 PM, April 4th, 2014
Murk Mucknmire
sing a long with me: -s-i-n-g-u-l-a-r-i-t-y-

7:19 PM, April 4th, 2014
newman!! of 5F
R friends eclectic

7:22 PM, April 4th, 2014
Bryan C
Did John sell you the Mi Ami LP I ordered?

7:28 PM, April 4th, 2014
Murk Mucknmire
muck and mire.

7:29 PM, April 4th, 2014
Bill Guerrero (host)
Hey Bryan - I dunno. It was in the bin. Perhaps he ordered another. Was it not in when you were there last?

7:32 PM, April 4th, 2014
Bryan C
I asked him to order me a copy like a month ago and never heard back. I was just wondering if I was going to have to order it again.

7:39 PM, April 4th, 2014
Bill Guerrero (host)
Hmm... I think that we can figure this out. Give him a holler and see if there's something set aside. If not, you can buy mine for, like $80 :-)

7:42 PM, April 4th, 2014
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